April 5th - May 17th, 2024
We are excited to announce the spring 2024 session of Family Life Groups at Monroeville Christian Church!
Friday evenings, April 5th through May 17th, family life groups will be hosted in several homes. Groups will not meet April 26th due to the revival. Registration for the groups is now open. Please sign up by March 24th. Register on the sign up sheet to let us know that you/your family are interested in joining a group.
Important Scheduling Reminder -
Family Life groups will meet on the following Fridays -
April 5, 12, & 19
May 3, 10, & 17
There will be no PM Worship Service on the following Sundays -
April 7 & 14
May 5, 12, & 19
What are Family Life Groups?
Each Friday evening during the Family Life Group season, groups will be hosted by families in the congregation. The final meeting is held at the MCC building. All groups come together that evening for a final fellowship meal.
Those who register will be placed in a group. Each leader will contact those in their group for specific details regarding meals, meeting times, etc.
If you miss the registration time, and are interested in joining a group, let us know. We will place you in a group right away!
If you are not a member of Monroeville Christian Church and would like to attend a Family Life Group, please contact us or sign up. We would love for you to join us!
Each week, there will be a pot-luck meal (each family or individual is asked to contribute), Bible Study, and plenty of fellowship!
God wants us all to grow closer to Him and with others as we carry out His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We pray that our MCC Family Life Groups will provide many opportunities to do both.
Important Scheduling Reminder -
Family Life groups will meet on the following Fridays -
April 5, 12, & 19
May 3, 10, & 17
There will be no PM Worship Service on the following Sundays -
April 7 & 14
May 5, 12, & 19
What are Family Life Groups?
Each Friday evening during the Family Life Group season, groups will be hosted by families in the congregation. The final meeting is held at the MCC building. All groups come together that evening for a final fellowship meal.
Those who register will be placed in a group. Each leader will contact those in their group for specific details regarding meals, meeting times, etc.
If you miss the registration time, and are interested in joining a group, let us know. We will place you in a group right away!
If you are not a member of Monroeville Christian Church and would like to attend a Family Life Group, please contact us or sign up. We would love for you to join us!
Each week, there will be a pot-luck meal (each family or individual is asked to contribute), Bible Study, and plenty of fellowship!
God wants us all to grow closer to Him and with others as we carry out His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We pray that our MCC Family Life Groups will provide many opportunities to do both.